Then buck was sold to many men with who he learnt how to work in harness, how to survive in frozen temperatures and how to fight. His last owner was called John Thorton, a gold owner who loved buck. One day Buck discovered john killed by an indian tribe so he killed the Indians and went to the forest where he lived with wolves.
GENRE : adventure novel.
SETTING:Canada, Klandik begin of the 20th century
CHARACHTERS: Buck and his owners
In this novel the main character ,Buck, after the change of life in the Yukon ,lives many different experiences.
RispondiEliminaHe becomes big , strong and day after day he learns the rules of the life in the North.
"He had never loved a man before. He and Mr.Miller had been very good friends "
The two lives that Buck tackles are in stark contrast to each other.
His life with Mr. Miller is calm and happy, while his lift to the wild life is frenetic and dangerous.
"He runs at the head of the wolf pack through the moonlight"
The story suggests that both worlds ( civilized and uncivilized) are important to understand the different faces of the life.
Marta Manicone