martedì 28 gennaio 2014


Titolo: London

By :John Escott

Subgenre: Novel

Setting :2011

Plot:At the beginnig there was one village, that village named London that was one of the most important city of England.After a lot of years there were some different people and this book speaks about different important places of London's city for example the Globe theater or the London eye.

Characters:The differences of the London's city.

Narrator: Jhon Escott

Point of view: General 

Style: detailed and realistic description

Personal comment: I think that this book is  really interesting and exciting. It speaks about some different things that are very important fot London's city. For example  at the beginning book speaks about Roman's population that invaded this place, after it speaks about the first queen,Elizabethan and much more.


2 commenti:

  1. I liked this book because I was enamoured by environmental issues, historical facts, and culture that it presents to us. I'd like to go to London, so this book gave me a general, completed description of places and monuments. It is especially explaining past events to get a sense of now-a-days ones. And for people who can't travel a lot, reading can be the best way to fly with immagination going through Oxford Street or Westminster Abbey, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre or the London Eye, 'visiting' with mind one of the most fashinating and colourful city in the world.

    -Chiara Manicone

  2. I liked reading this book very much, it's very interesting. Even though it's simple, I liked discovering events, people and places that make London one of the most important and beautiful cities of the world. The Great Fire of London, Queen Elizabeth and William Shakespeare is only something of what you can read in this book. I've never been in London but now I'd like a lot going there and find what I read.
    Pasquale Lo Nigro
